Resident Stories

Miss Joyce

“In those days, it felt like a village; now, it feels like a family.”

The place of Highlander has held a special place in Miss Joyce’s heart for as long as she can remember. As a previous resident of the former public housing facilities on the land now occupied by Highlander, Miss Joyce was incredibly excited to watch the transformation of the area she once called home. For over five years, she has embraced her role as a community changemaker and caretaker in the neighborhood.

“We watch out for each other, care for each other. The children running around the neighborhood are now like an extension of my own family.”



Miss Mashara

“All I could say was ‘Yes. This is it. I want to be here.'”

Miss Mashara, a thriving professional and single-mother to three, has been a Highlander resident since the very beginning. When asked, “What brought you to Highlander?”, we were intrigued by her immediate response: “Do you want to hear the real story?”

“I was going to get a house. I went through the whole process and picked it out, but then they determined I was ‘over-income’ because I worked multiple jobs. They told me I had to quit my main job to qualify. I was devastated, driving back to work, trying to figure out what I was going to do. Then I saw a trailer advertising leasing on 30th. I turned around, met the property manager, learned about Highlander, and saw the floor plans. I was blown away.  I’m so grateful I found that trailer and didn’t have to make such a tough decision for my family.”

Miss Sandra

“I thank something greater than myself for bringing me to Highlander because I think this is the greatest thing. I was meant to be here.”

Miss Sandra, a resident of Nobility Point, Highlander’s independent senior living facility, has been part of the neighborhood for three years. Reflecting on her time in the neighborhood, she describes it as “a great place to live for people, retired like me, who love community.” Miss Sandra is consistently recognized by Highlander’s Property Management staff and the neighborhood’s community partners for her dedication to keeping Nobility Point a safe, beautiful place to live as well as having a knack for bringing her fellow senior community members together.

"Highlander is special because it is a true community. Our neighborhood is full people from all backgrounds, and it is beautiful to see everyone, regardless of their circumstances, have a nice place to live. To have all these programs, all these people, for it to be affordable, and for it to still remain such a clean and beautiful place to live, it is hard to find, and I absolutely love it here."

- Highlander Resident

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