Volunteer With Us!

Cultivating Community Connection.

At Highlander, we are committed to creating moments that matter. Strong community involvement is key to the success of every neighborhood event! If you’re interested in volunteering to support our busy summer events season, explore our upcoming opportunities below:



Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Nurture Omaha Farm Stands at Highlander Marketplace

September 26th | 5-7 PM

Highlander Marketplace is back in the neighborhood for another nutritious summer! Seventy Five North and community partners host marketplace to promote access to fresh produce in the Highlander neighborhood while supporting entrepreneurship. 

Volunteer Shifts: 

  • Afternoon shift: 2:30 pm-5:15 pm
    • Arranging tables, tents, and chairs
    • Helping vendors distribute produce
    • Direct line flow
  • Evening shift: 5:15 pm-7:45 pm
    • Helping vendors distribute produce
    • Direct line flow
    • Dismantle & put away tables, chairs, and tents


Volunteer Sign-Up

Unable to participate in these opportunities but interested in future ones? Complete our general volunteer form to stay informed and be contacted for upcoming opportunities.



Volunteer Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Highlander! Please provide the following information to be contacted by Seventy Five North’s Director of Community Relations regarding upcoming volunteer opportunities.


Are you signing up as an individual or on behalf of a group?(Required)